Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Bitter Tears of Anguish

I have no right to complain of my life
There are others with lives worst than my own
At this point in time I have no choice

I’m drowning in a turbulent sea of emotion
My eyes are shedding endless bitter tears
I’m overwhelmed with dismay

We’re all dealt a deck of cards in life
We get high cards and lows cards
We just have to know how to play the hands

My sight is obscured as they fill with tears
My vision for the future is muddled
These bitter tears blind me to no end

These bitter tears of anguish
They stream down my face
My emotion is still not released

I cry at night in hopes of relief
Relief from the troubles of the world
The bitter tears of anguish wet my pillow

When will the time of relief come
The time when I can laugh again
Laugh so hard I cry tears of contentment

These bitter tears of anguish
They show no remorse for me
They just show the world I am in pain

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Simply Beautifull.
